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Mortuary Chamber

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Forensic Mortuary Storage AVI-5701
Stericlean Mortuary storage system is designed for storing cadaverous under cool condition to prevent decomposition. These are latest development in mortuary technology offering vast space saving advantage over the conventional type together with greater hygiene. Useful for hospitals, Railways & Airports etc. Double-walled with mild steel/pre fabricated panels for outer surface and stainless steel inner chamber with insulation in between. Front opening, hinged insulated doors lined with magnetic gasket, handle and lock arrangement with keys in duplicate for individual dead bodies.
Trays to carry dead bodies with handles at both ends, travel on rollers fitted for easy movement. Exterior surface in chemically treated, antirust coated and duly finished with powder coated paint.
To avoid any moving part inside the cabinet, for easier maintenance and cleaning refrigeration unit is kept outside the chamber and fixed at rear. Temperature of -2oC to +5oC is maintained by hermetically sealed refrigeratorcompressor unit and is controlled by an automatic electronic solid state digital temperature controller cum indicator.
Temperature controller is mounted on front panel, provided on front top, along with pilot lamp, main switch etc. Supplied complete with trays, cord and plug. Suitable to work on 220V, single phase, 50Hz, Ac supply.
Available in following sizes :


  • Single Body
  • Two Bodies
  • Three Bodies
  • Four Bodies
  • Six Bodies
Optional Accessories
Suitable Stabilizer
Single Body 3 KVA
Two Bodies 4 KVA
Three Bodies 5 KVA
Four/Six Bodies 7.5 KVA
Outer body can be made of stainless steel instead of mild steel sheet.

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